What Is ASU in Signal Strength? What Is Good ASU?
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The idea of ASU, or Arbitrary Strength Unit, is a method used by mobile devices to determine the quality of their connection with other mobile devices. If you’re having trouble getting a signal, this article will tell you about ASU and what it means for your device’s performance.


What Does ASU Mean?

ASU stands for Arbitrary Strength Unit. It is a value that depicts the signal strength your phone receives. The stronger the signal, the higher the ASU number will be. However, many factors can affect your ASU number and cause it to be inaccurate.

The first factor affecting your ASU number is the distance from towers. When you’re between two or more towers, your signal strength may vary depending on which tower you connect to first.

This means that if you switch between two towers frequently, your ASU number will be inaccurate because it won’t reflect how strong or weak your signals are when they change from one tower to another.

Another factor affecting your ASU number is interference from other signals or devices on the same frequency band as yours (like Wi-Fi routers). If these other signals or devices are broadcasting at different times than your own, their signals can interfere with yours and cause them to appear weaker than they are.


What Does a Good Signal Strength Mean?

A good signal strength means you can make and receive calls and text messages and have an internet connection on your smartphone or device. The higher the number, the better the connection. A good signal strength means you won’t have to worry about your phone dying in the middle of an important call or text message. -65 dBm is considered a good mobile signal strength.


What Does Bad Signal Strength Mean?

When you talk about a bad mobile signal, it’s important to understand what this means. If your phone tries to connect but can’t get a connection strong enough to complete the connection, you have bad signal strength.

Bad signal strength is around -80 dBm. This means when you try and make a call or send a text message, the strength of your connection will be too weak for it to work correctly.


How Can You Tell if Your Mobile Signal Strength Is Good?

A good mobile signal strength means making calls, sending texts and data, and using apps like Facebook and Snapchat. However, some things can affect your signal strength—and knowing if it’s good or not is a great way to keep yourself safe.

One way to tell if your mobile signal is good is by looking at the bars on your phone’s screen. These bars show how strong the signal is in your area. If they’re all lit up, you have a strong signal, but if they’re reducing in number, you might need to try another place to get better coverage.


How to Improve Your Phone Signal Strength?

Step Outside

If you’re unsure whether your phone signal is strong enough, the best way to find out is to take advantage of the good old-fashioned step outside and see how you do. If you don’t have any towers nearby, try going up in elevation and seeing if it helps.

Move Around

Another way to improve your phone signal strength is by moving your phone to different locations throughout the home. For example, try moving the phone closer to a window. This will help because having the phone closer to a cell tower will increase its signal strength.

Upgrade Your Phone

Upgrading your phone is another way to improve your signal strength and ensure you’re always connected. If you have a new phone, upgrading your operating system (OS) can provide you with more features and greater security than what was available in the previous version of your OS.

Phone Case

If you want to boost your signal, try taking off your case. This will increase the amount of ambient radiation absorbed by the phone, and as a result, it will improve its reception.

3G Network

Switching to 3G can make your life easier by giving you faster speeds and more coverage in areas where 4G doesn’t reach as well. For example, if you’ve been having trouble getting a good signal in areas with lots of trees or tall buildings blocking the signal, switching to 3G might help fix that problem.

Switch Carrier

Switching carriers can be a great solution if you’re looking to improve your phone signal strength and coverage. Carriers are constantly competing with each other to offer the best deals and the most reliable service. In some cases, switching carriers can even improve your phone’s signal strength.



By considering the tips above, you can better determine the source of your weak signal and the steps you can take to improve the situation. You don’t have to frequent areas with bad reception anymore. You will know what you can do to prevent or solve weak signals when they occur, allowing you greater control of your mobile phone.