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Console Gaming


How Do I Stop My PlayStation From Turning on When I Turn On My TV?

Ever experienced your PlayStation turning on again and again whenever you turn on your TV? It can be extremely...

[FIXED] PS4 Controller Won’t Turn On

Is your PS4 Controller not turning on? There could be myriad reasons why your PS4 Controller has decided to...

[FIXED] PS4 Unrecognised disc error

Maybe you wanted to play that long-forgotten Battlefield 4, or maybe you just bought a recently launched game. However,...

Xbox One

Do Xbox Series X Controllers Work on Xbox One?

The Xbox Series X, which was released a year ago, included a slew of new capabilities and hardware. Many...

[FIXED] Xbox Controller Keeps Switching to Player 2 PC

When Xbox first released the Xbox 360 controller way back in 2005, gamers worldwide were thrilled about it. This...

[Fixed] Xbox One Won’t Turn on but Beeps

Xbox One booting issues are pretty common, and some can be fixed quickly by following a few simple steps....