What Do 'Calls With a Checkmark Have Been Verified By the Carrier' Mean?
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If you see a checkmark call, it means that your phone service carrier has verified the number. This means you can trust the information on the screen and know exactly who is calling you.

Such calls are reliable because they indicate that the carrier has verified them. The use of this phrase is often used in business and other situations to save recipients from fraudulent calls.

This verification system is not flawless, but it’s one of the best available right now. A better option would be some sort of digital fingerprint, which could be added to all calls and then checked against a database of known identities. However, that’s easier said than done.


What Is a Verified Phone Call?

A verified phone call is made by a user who has already been checked. Users can identify themselves as being verified by checking their name in the settings or seeing a tick next to their profile.


Stir and Shaken Scale

The Stir and Shaken scale is used to determine whether or not a call has been verified by the caller. The caller can use this scale to determine how many of their calls have been verified.

The scale starts at 0% and goes up from there. If you have 100% of your calls verified, you are considered 100% verified. If all calls from a caller are shaken, then you are considered shaken and may need to verify those calls before being trusted with more sensitive information like credit card numbers or personal information.


Different Attestation Levels

Full Attestation – Full attestation guarantees that the call has not been altered in any way before being sent out to the network. If you have verified calls that have been fully attested, they are considered “truthful.”

Partial Attestation – Partial attestation is less stringent than full attestation and means that the call has been altered in some way. Partial attestation means the caller’s information may not be 100% accurate.

Gateway Attestation – Gateway attestation means that even though the caller isn’t willing to attest to their accuracy fully, they are willing to give you enough information for you to make an informed decision about whether or not to accept it as being true.


Why is There a Checkmark Next to a Missed Call?

You may have noticed that when you miss a call, the phone number of the person who left you a message is listed with a checkmark next to it. This means that your phone carrier has confirmed that the number is verified, which means they can send text messages and make calls from their number.


How To Get Verified Calls?

Getting verified calls is essential if you want your business calls to get accepted. People can block your number or refuse to divulge personal information if you’re not verified. Here’s how to get verified:

First, ensure that you’ve entered all the information for your business into the system. This includes your area code and prefix, along with your business information and working hours.

Next, contact your local phone company and ask them about getting verified. They’ll likely want proof that your business is legitimate or some other means of verifying that you’re actually in charge of a business or organization with a particular phone number. 

You can send them documents like tax identification numbers or similar paperwork as proof that they need when they’re checking on you.

Finally, wait for them to confirm that they’ve checked everything out and sent back your information alongside an agreement stating that they’ve verified that your business exists and is run by someone with a certain name at a specific address. 

Once your number is verified, it is half the battle won. You can then use this verified tag to your advantage and ensure your business flourishes.


Is It Possible for Verified Calls To Be Spam?

The answer is yes, but it’s not as black-and-white as you might think. Verified calls are verified by the call center or a third party to be from a legitimate business. The reason why these calls are so important is that they allow companies to avoid phone fraud and other scams related to their services.

However, many scammers still try to take advantage of this system. These scammers will use fake accounts and make fraudulent calls to trick consumers into thinking they’re calling from a legitimate company.



If there is a single thing that everyone should know about unknown callers, it’s that only trust calls from verified numbers. If a call comes from an unverified number, hang up immediately. Of course, this rule is useless if scammers switch to spoofed numbers – but at least it’ll limit their ability to dial everyone randomly. 

The real solution will still require some type of verification for all types of calls, and finding the best way to do that will no doubt be a highly contested political debate in the coming years. It would help if you trusted your carrier as they verify the information for all callers for now.


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