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Some fans say they will gladly welcome an iPhone 14 mini warmly in case Apple decides to release the miniature phone in the future.

It is already clear that Apple has finally left its plan for a mini version of the iPhone 14 in favor of the iPhone 14 Plus with a bigger screen size. In fact, there are rumors that Apple might not release mini phones again after the issues it faced in the poor sales of older mini models. Yet, Apple fans still hope to see the compact phone in the future.

In a thread on Twitter, tech video producer Naseem Speach asked Apple customers whether Apple should bring back the said form factor, to which most users replied with absolute affirmation.

“Yes please!” A user replied. “I’m considering moving down from my 14 Pros because I miss that form factor so much.”

“I do think they need to bring back the mini series,” another added. “It adds more options to the lineup, and some people with small hands will have this option to be always available for them.”

Despite this, others doubt the comeback of the mini version of iPhones, saying the company’s past experience regarding the sales of previous minis would probably prevent it from trying it again.

“No, I don’t think that was much of a success for them at all,” said one participant in the thread. “Plus from what I got told the battery life wasn’t that great. I think #Apple and #TimCook pulling the #iPhoneMini from its lineup was a good decision to make.”

To recall, Apple faced challenges as early as the release of the iPhone 12 mini, which reportedly sold below Apple’s expectations. It allegedly pushed the company to decrease the model’s production in 2021. Data firm Counterpoint Research then revealed that iPhone 12 mini was just 5% of Apple’s overall smartphone lineup sales in early January 2021. Unfortunately, almost the same happened to the company’s iPhone 13 mini, especially in the Chinese market. In response, Apple discontinued the iPhone 12 mini and even started selling mini phones at discounted prices, indicating the company’s determination to completely drop the models.

With all these things, it might be true that the era of the iPhone mini is finally over. And although it is nice to know that some admire the compact size of the minis, it’s probably time to move on, especially now that Apple seems determined to invest more in bigger phone screen sizes instead of compact ones.