Photo by Misha Feshchak on Unsplash

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Philips Hue Bridge is a home automation device that lets users control the lighting system of their homes. It can connect up to fifty Philips Hue lights and accessories at once, which can then be controlled through a meshed network. While the device is extremely useful in modern housing, users may face specific internet connectivity issues. This article will explain why this issue arises and how you can fix it. 


Can I Use Philips Hue Bridge Without Internet Connectivity?

Philips Hue lights don’t always require an internet connection to operate. The newly released lights operate on Bluetooth and are interconnected with each other and the bridge using a mesh network. Despite that, you still need internet access with the Hue Bridge since all lights require internet connectivity for setup, updates, and for using certain features. 


How to Connect the Philips Hue Bridge To The Internet?

To connect your Philips Hue Bridge to the internet, you first need to switch on your bridge by connecting it to a power socket. After it has switched on, use the ethernet cable provided to the Wi-Fi router you will be linking to with your mobile device to use its features. 

Once the ethernet connection is set up, the three lights on top of your Hue Bridge shall illuminate that an active internet connection has been established. You need to connect it to your mobile device using the Hue app.


How to fix Philips Hue Bridge Internet Issue

As mentioned above, connecting the Philips Hue Bridge to the internet is relatively simple. However, some minor issues may cause you not to be able to gain internet access with your automation device. Here is a list of a few:

1. Incorrect Network Configuration

An incorrect network configuration is one of the silliest yet most common issues. Your Hue Bridge may be connected to the right network, but your mobile device with the Hue app operates on mobile data or a different Wi-Fi network. Ensure both devices use the same network for proper lighting system automation. 

2. No Internet Access

If your Hue Bridge doesn’t have internet access, your router may not be connected to a network. Test the internet connection of the Wi-FI network on your mobile device. If there is no internet access, even on a mobile device, ensure your router is configured correctly. 

Try restarting your router and setting it up all over again. Also, consider contacting your internet service provider and asking them to fix it. 

3. Hardware Issues

There are several ways hardware issues can arise while working with the Hue Bridge. For starters, an improper connection with the router is quite common. Make sure your ethernet wire is connected correctly on both ends. Consider using another ethernet wire to check if the previous one was faulty. 

4. Outdated Firmware

If your Hue Bridge runs an older firmware version, it may lose internet access. Here is how you can update it through your mobile phone: 

  • Step 1: Open the Hue app on your mobile phone.
  • Step 2: Find and click on Setup.
  • Step 3: If prompted with terms and conditions, click Accept.
  • Step 4: You will now see an option to Update. Follow the steps and complete the update. 
  • Step 5: Pair your mobile phone with your phone using the code given on your bridge. 
  • Step 6: Ensure all the lights you want to operate are added to the app. If not, add them. 

5. Power Cycling

Power cycling is a great way to solve such issues because sometimes these devices lose connectivity due to network interference or similar bottlenecks. 

Switch off the device and the router it is connected to. Also, consider reconfiguring the hardware, such as your ethernet wire, power cables, etc. After that, wait 2 minutes, switch on your devices, and see if that fixes the issue. 



The Hue Bridge by Philips is an impeccable home automation solution for modern-day houses. It is relatively easy to use, and since it covers fifty lights, it is an excellent product for all households. Some users, however, face internet connectivity issues with the device. In the article above, we discussed how to ensure Philips Hue Bridge is connected to the internet.