What is Espressif Inc Device On My Network?
Photo by Thomas Jensen on Unsplash

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Wireless modules for various smart devices are manufactured by Espressif Systems, which is a semiconductor manufacturing business.

Espressif wireless modules are used by many gadgets, and many individuals have invested in smart home items. It’s probable that you or those around you are using these products.

ESP32, ESP8266, etc. are some of the common names for this kind of devices.

OEMs can save money on their overall costs by purchasing these high-quality wireless modules at low prices.

The Wi-Fi module that some smart gadgets use is made by Espressif systems, which is why Espressif Inc devices appear on your network. This Wi-Fi module can only be used by smart devices, or a camouflaged device could be accessing your network.


What Is EspressIf – Knowing The Company

Since its inception in 2008, Shanghai-based Espressif Systems (688018) has grown into a publicly traded worldwide fabless semiconductor firm with offices across the world including the Greater China region, Singapore, India, the Czech Republic, and Brazil. An international team of engineers and scientists is dedicated to building the most advanced WiFi/Bluetooth IoT solutions possible.

The ESP8266, ESP32, and ESP32-S line of chips, modules, and development boards have all been designed by them. Our chipsets are eco-friendly, adaptable, and cost-effective because of our reliance on wireless computing.

They have always made it a priority to provide secure, reliable, and energy-efficient Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Espressif’s goal is to empower developers throughout the world to construct smart connected products by making our technology open source. At the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR), Espressif made its first public offering in July of this year (SSE).

ESPRESSIF devices, on the other hand, are not malicious software or a security risk to your network. Instead, an ESPRESSIF device is a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth module embedded in one of your wireless devices that your router recognizes.

Is The Espressif Device On Your Network A Malware?

Electronics manufacturer ESPRESSIF Inc. produces microcontroller units for a variety of devices. The MCUs can be used for a wide range of smart devices, including home automation, IoT, and more.

ESPRESSIF, also known as 688018, has been around since 2008, although it only really started gaining traction in the mainstream in 2014. The MAC address or the naming system can be used to identify an ESPRESSIF device. ESP xxxx is the most common device identifier for ESPRESSIF devices. The XXXX is used to denote a certain number. The MAC address is frequently represented by the digits next to the ESP (or just a part of its MAC address).

Since you have not yet identified the ESPRESSIF device on your network, it is likely a wireless device. Because of technological improvements and the proliferation of Wi-Fi gadgets in households, it’s easy to lose track of the specific wireless device you’re using.

For all we know, it could be an infiltrator pretending to be the real thing disguised as an ESPRESSIF device. This does not happen very often, though.

Espressif Wi-Fi modules are found in a wide variety of smart home gadgets, thus it’s impossible to list them all here.

From smart light bulbs to smart outlets to video doorbells to home robotics, there is a wide range of smart home technology to choose from.

Espressif Inc, if you don’t have any smart plugs or gadgets, could be an illegal and disguised device that is trying to disrupt your network. It is recommended that you activate your antivirus software and your virtual private network (VPN) in order to increase your online security. Additionally, you can prohibit these devices from accessing your network.

Which Devices Use ESPRESSIF MCUs?

There is a broad application of ESPRESSIF microcontrollers in a variety of equipment. ESPRESSIF MCUs can be found in a wide range of internet-connected home appliances. Additionally, the chips can be found in Bluetooth-enabled products.

Other examples include Roombas, Smart Plug-in devices, Bluetooth controllers and many others. Chromecast Dongles have even been found to be registered as ESPRESSIF devices by some wireless connection users.

To summarize, these chips are widely used and are likely to be found in at least one of your electronic devices. They are generally used for low-cost internet devices by manufacturers.


How To Know What Device Is The ESPRESSIF Device?

ESPRESSIF can be located on your network in a few different ways.

Disconnecting and reconnecting each device on your network one at a time is one option. Before reconnecting your devices, reboot the router. You’ll keep track of their names or MAC addresses as you rejoin them.

Alternatively, if you want to be sure that all of your devices are disconnected, you can change the wireless network password. As they re-join the network, make a note of their names or MAC addresses. The ESPRESSIF device lets you know which of your home gadgets is an ESPRESSIF device as soon as it’s connected to the network.

The 2.4GHz frequency spectrum is used by the majority of ESPRESSIF devices. In order to ensure a thorough search, make sure to connect to both wireless bands. Remember to check both wireless bands if a gadget connects and you don’t see it.

Your router and Wi-Fi password should both be updated if you’re certain none of your home devices employ ESPRESSIF chips, but there is still an ESPRESSIF device connected to your network. For added security, consider resetting your router and installing an antivirus program.

Signing into your router with a web browser is the quickest and easiest way to stop an unfamiliar device from accessing your network.

Keep an eye out for your router’s IP address as well as its login credentials. By default, your username and password are both ‘Admin,’ and you can choose to leave them blank if you like.


Final Verdict

In order to build an inexpensive microchip without sacrificing security or functionality, ESPRESSIF IC went to great lengths to do so. As a result, it’s easy to see why their chips are found in so many different smart devices. Since the device isn’t spyware or a surveillance tool, you can take a deep breath and relax.


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