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Labels are used by Google Maps to indicate places of interest, such as restaurants, malls, and green spaces. Informational hubs including hours and directions as well as reviews may also be found at these locations You may even design custom labels for specific locations, such as your office, house, or favorite hangout.

What if you just want to see the map and not the labels that accompany it? Fortunately, Google Maps labels can be removed. In this article, we shall discuss how.


How To Remove Labels In Google Maps?

This trick is currently only available in the desktop version of Google Maps. However, with the latest update to the layer layout, you can now remove labels quickly and easily. To do this, you need to:

  •  Open maps.google.com on any web browser (it is not just limited to Chrome).
  •  On your screen, probably at the bottom-left, you will find ‘Layers’ that looks like this.

  • Tap on Layers and you will get multiple options such as ‘Map’, ‘Terrain’, ‘Traffic’, ‘Biking’, and ‘More’.  Tap on ‘More’.

  • In the screenshot attached below, you will see that at the bottom right of the menu under ‘More’ there is a small checkbox, named ‘Labels’. It is usually checked-in so, uncheck it off. Sometimes the option to uncheck looks greyed out, however, you will still surely be able to untick the box and turn off ‘Labels’.

  • Once you check off ‘Labels’, your Google Maps should look like this:


How To Delete a Custom Label With From Google Maps?

Custom labels are those labels that are created by you or someone else on your device, more specifically the account you are logged in with on Maps.

You can delete custom labels using the following instructions:

  • Begin by opening the Google Maps website in your browser and selecting the menu icon (Google Maps Hamburger icon) in the upper left corner.

  • Once you’ve done that, from the options listed, pick Your Places.

  • How To Remove Labels In Google Maps?

  • After that, close the menu and go back to the Saved tab to see if there are any more labels that need to be removed.
  • Upon clearing the label, Maps should notify you with something like this at the bottom middle of your screen.



How to hide labels in Google Maps using Google My Maps?

Google My Maps is a unique feature developed by Google that allows users to create their own maps using Google Maps. There are unique base layers without labels in this mode. Here’s everything you’ll need to make such a map:

  • In your browser, navigate to mymaps.google.com and click the Create New Map button in the upper left corner.
  • The arrow adjacent to the Base map will then appear at the bottom of the nameless map window.
  • Simply select Light Political, Mono City, or Simple Atlas.
  • You can now save your new map by selecting Untitled map and then clicking the Save button.
  • By clicking on the three dots next to the map’s name and selecting the option you want from the list, you can share it, export it to another device, download it, print it, or paste it.


How to remove a label using the mobile version of Google Maps?

  • Open the Google Maps app and scroll down to the Saved button.
  • In the Your Lists section, select Labeled.
  • Then, tap the three dots to the right of the label.
  • Select Delete from the pop-up menu.

This allows you to remove distracting labels from your map and focus as much as possible on the path.


14 Handy Tricks To Try With Google Maps

In spite of Google’s ongoing efforts to improve its map service, there are numerous customizable features and undocumented capabilities currently present in Google Maps. One such feature is Incognito Mode. Learn how to get the most out of Google Maps.

1. Access Google Maps Offline

Maps is most useful when used on a mobile device, which raises an issue. When you need Maps the most, you may find yourself in a place where there is no coverage at all. Offline access to Google Maps is available to make things easier for you. To download an offline map, enter an address or location, then swipe up on the menu at the bottom of the screen to access the ellipsis icon.

It will be saved if you have adequate space on your device. Once downloaded, tap your avatar > Offline maps to view the business listings and detailed driving directions for your chosen area.

2. ‘Hey Google, Where Am I Going?’

You don’t want to take your eyes off the road if you want to use Maps while driving. Google Maps’ “OK Google” voice commands eliminate the need for this. To discover gas stations, say, “OK Google, find gas stations,” and it will show gas stations on the map (which you may see when you’ve come to a red light or have pulled over).

“What’s my next turn?” “What’s my ETA?” and “How’s the traffic ahead?” are all examples of questions you can ask. Just install Google Assistant on Android and you’re ready to go. Tap the microphone icon in the upper right corner of iOS (as shown above) to ask inquiries with your voice.

3. Change Directions Around by Drag and Drop

On the desktop version of Maps, you may drag and drop your path to go through or avoid certain spots. Please note that this only works with walking, driving, or bicycling directions; it does not function with public transportation choices.

4. Measure Any Distance

The right-click tool may also be used to determine the distance between any two spots on the Earth. “Measure distance” will drop a point (a white dot with a bold black line), then click anywhere else on the map to determine the distance between the points. To add more points to the map, keep clicking. The entire distance traveled will be shown on the main card.

5. COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination

In the midst of the pandemic, everyone, even Google Maps, has had to make some adjustments. Searching for “covid testing near me” in Google Maps yields results with contact information and hours of operation for testing facilities near you.

If you type in “vaccine,” you can also find out where to get vaccinated, and many locations allow you to arrange an appointment with one click. By selecting COVID-19 Info from the layers icon in the upper-right corner of Maps, you can also view the number of COVID-19 cases in the area and whether or not they are increasing or decreasing.

6. Let Other People Drive

Ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft are a key part of the modern transportation mix, so Google included ride options from these firms to its mobile app. To get a taxi or mass transportation, click on the icon of a little figure trying to hail a cab. Next, you’ll see rideshare alternatives in your area, along with their anticipated time and cost. After that, you may book your ride by selecting Open App.

7. Find Accessible Transit Routes and Locations

Accessible transit routes can be found by selecting Options > Wheelchair accessible when searching for rail or bus routes in Google Maps. When you arrive at your destination, the Accessible Places setting will provide you with information regarding the location’s wheelchair accessibility. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Accessible Places and enable it.

Using Google’s Accessible Places feature, you’ll be able to discover if a location provides accessible dining, restrooms, or parking, the company says. In the event that a location is proven to be inaccessible, we will also display this information on Maps.

8. Remember Where You Parked

Remember that episode of Seinfeld where the gang spent the whole time wandering around Remember the Seinfeld episode where the crew spent the whole time roaming around a parking garage hunting for their parked car? In 2022, Google Maps would make it impossible for such an episode to happen.

It’s easy to save your parking spot on Android by tapping the blue location dot and selecting Save Your Parking. The time remaining on a parking meter or in a garage, for example, can be entered by tapping this button. Additionally, you may set meter reminders, upload a snapshot of your parking spot, and share the location with others. Search for a specific parking spot by typing its address into the search bar at the top of the page.

Alternatively, you can go to the Driving section and seek for Saved parking there. Tap Driving > Clear to remove it from your phone’s memory. Alternatively, you can tap “You parked here” on the map, click More Info on the bottom left, and tap Clear.

When you arrive at a location, simply tap the app’s little blue location dot (seen above). Click Set as parking spot in the pop-up to confirm. The app will display a P icon next to a message reading “You parked near here.” To remove it, use the P key and then pick Clear.

9. View (and Delete) Your Google Maps History

Your digital actions are meticulously tracked by Google. You have the option to delete your Maps data from your desktop or mobile device if you so desire. Go to maps.google.com if you’re using a computer. Select Your Data in Maps from the hamburger menu by clicking the hamburger icon.

Go to a Google-wide Controls page and click on Location History > See and Delete Activity to access your location history. You’ll be shown a chronology of your activities on a map. You can permanently remove all of your location records by clicking the trash can icon at the bottom right of the map.

Settings > Maps History > Search Your Activity In the [three-dot-menu] > Delete all of your activities Where you can select to either remove by date or all at once. Press the Delete key.

10. Go Incognito

Go incognito on Google Maps if you don’t want to leave a trail of evidence. Neither your browsing nor search history will be saved in your Google account if this setting is enabled. Your searches or movement won’t be added to location history or shared location. In addition, Google will not use your Incognito Mode activity to customize Maps.

This is a good option if you don’t want your location information to be tied up with your search history, but it doesn’t make you completely invisible on the app. The incognito icon will appear in the search box when you tap your avatar and select Turn on Incognito mode. Tap it and select Turn off Incognito mode to switch it off.

11. Auto-Delete Your Google Maps Location History

Location history can be automatically deleted from Google’s servers on a schedule that’s convenient for you. It’s possible to set the data to be erased after a predetermined amount of time, such as three months, 18 months, or 36 months.

Navigate to myactivity.google.com and click Location History > Choose an auto-delete option, which allows you to set the frequency at which your data is deleted, including where you’ve been on Google Maps. Manage History > [gear icon] > > Delete All. The Location History should be cleared.

12. Time Travel With Google Maps

Time Travel With Google Maps Street View has amassed a huge collection of street imagery over the years. To show how Street View has evolved through the years, Google developed Time Travel in 2014.

Street View has a four-dimensional cartography experience that can be accessed by clicking the stopwatch icon in the top-left corner, which prompts a sliding scale that allows you to jump between Street Views. Check out Google Earth Engine for a more in-depth look at the Earth’s surface changes between 1994 and 2018.

13. Add Some Music

You don’t have to exit Google Maps to add music to your journey if you have it open while driving (or walking). Spotify and Apple Music can be synced by going to Settings > Navigation on iOS, or Show Media Playback Controls on Android, then selecting the appropriate option under the “Music Playback Controls” submenu.

Once you’ve done this, a pop-up window for your preferred app should display while you’re driving, allowing you to quickly start playing music. Make your playlists ahead of time so that you can focus your eyes on the road and not on your music player.

14. Share Your Favorite Places

Using Google Maps, you may share some of your favorite locations with a friend by tapping the share symbol on the location’s Google Maps card. By tapping the Save symbol, you’ll be able to keep track of your most often visited locations.

Using Google Maps, you may create a list similar to one found on Pinterest, which allows you to share multiple locations at once. It’s possible to build new lists (like “Favorite Thai eateries in Brooklyn”) or add them to existing ones when you save a place you like. A link to a list can be sent to friends by tapping the three-dot menu and selecting Share List from the drop-down menu.


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